Saturday, February 15, 2003
Too much news these days for a regular blogger let alone one who is semi-reclusive trying to finish a book. But hey…
So early reports from the anti-war protest in London put the numbers at 2 million in the streets. I know my peeps in New York City will represent, despite the authorities’ best efforts to shut em down. Imagine the symbolism of millions at the UN in New York City giving a collective finger to the militarism allegedly waged in their name, right at this moment in history…
I’m still moved by French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin’s comments yesterday there:
"To those who are anguished, wondering when and how we are going to cede to war, I would like to say that nothing at any time in this Council will be done in haste, in misunderstanding, out of suspicion or out of fear. In this temple of the United Nations, we are the guardians of an ideal, the guardians of a conscience. This onerous responsibility and immense honor . . . must lead us to give priority to disarmament through peace.
This message comes to you today from an old country, France; from a continent like mine, Europe, that has known war, occupation, barbarity. It is an old country that does not forget and is very aware of all it owes to freedom fighters who came from America and elsewhere. And yet France has always stood upright in the face of history before mankind. Faithful to its values, it wants resolutely to act together with all members of the international community. France believes in our ability to build together a better world."
And putting aside my feelings about the Chinese Communist Party for a moment, I couldn’t help but be moved by these words from Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan: "Mr. President, China is an ancient civilization. Our ancestors proposed long ago the idea of peace being the best option." I’m not sure about some of those cadre’s ancestors, but I do know that’s what my ancestors passed on to me.
In other news, if you’re in Los Angeles, try to make some time to check this out…
A public forum on FCC rules
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
USC Davidson Conference Center
We are pleased to confirm a balanced, thought-provoking dialogue and public forum about proposed FCC rules changes governing media ownership.
Members of the Federal Communication Commission will be joined by leaders from industry, the creative community, labor, public policy, and the academic community for the day-long forum next Tuesday, February 18, beginning at 9:00 am at USC's Davidson Conference Center, 3415 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. The event is near capacity. Seating is not guaranteed and we are no longer taking RSVPs.
For those who cannot attend the Media Ownership public forum, there are several ways to participate:
1. Conference Call: Individuals wishing to listen in to the forum may call 800-279-5852 to listen to the proceedings.
2. Webcast: The forum will be webcast on the USC Annenberg Web site:
3.Email: Individuals may submit comments online and via email at: These messages will be monitored throughout the day and shared with conference participants.
This forum is organized by USC Annenberg's Center for Communication Law & Policy, operated in partnership with the USC Law School.
Here's the latest agenda:
A public forum on FCC rules
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
USC Davidson Conference Center
3415 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Agenda (as of 2/14/03)
8:30 a.m. Registration
9:15 a.m. Welcome and Introductions
9:20 a.m. Comments from FCC Commissioners
Kathleen Abernathy (via teleconference)
Jonathan Adelstein
Michael Copps
Kevin Martin (via teleconference)
Michael Powell (statement delivered by Susan Eid, FCC Legal Advisor)
9:40 a.m. Legal Overview
Doug Lichtman, University of Chicago Law School
10:00 a.m. Panel I: Economics / Diversity in Entertainment Programming
Geoffrey Cowan, dean, USC Annenberg School for Communication
C. Edwin Baker, professor, Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Law
Diane English, writer/producer
Martin Franks, executive vice president, CBS
Jon Mandel, co-CEO, MediaCom
Bruce Owen, Senior Fellow, Stanford University Institute for Economic Policy Analysis
Mark Pedowitz, executive vice president, ABC Entertainment Television Group
Jeff Smulyan, president and CEO, Emmis Communications
John Wells, film and television producer, former president of Writers Guild of America
11:30 a.m. Break
11:45 a.m. Panel II: National Television Ownership
Thomas Hollihan, associate dean, USC Annenberg School
Darnell Hunt, professor of sociology, UCLA
Paula Madison, president and general manager, KNBC
Benjamin Tucker, president, Fisher Broadcasting
Others TBA
12:45 p.m. Lunch (box lunches available in Vineyard Room for $10)
1:45 p.m. Panel III: Local News: Duopoly, Cross-Ownership Rules
Tracy Westen, adjunct professor, USC Annenberg School for Communication
Nancy Bauer-Gonzales, news director, KCAL-KCBS
Belva Davis, AFTRA national vice president, KRON-TV
James Hamilton, associate professor, Duke University
Jay Harris, founding director, USC Annenberg's Center for the Study of Journalism and Democracy at USC
Marty Kaplan, associate dean, USC Annenberg School for Communication and director, Norman Lear Center
Shaun Sheehan, vice president, Tribune Co.
3:15 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. Panel IV: Radio: A Test Case for Deregulation
Linda Cohen, professor, USC Law School
Jim Ladd, author, radio personality, 95.5 KLOS
Steve Vai, musician
Others TBA
4:30 p.m. Public Comments
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rainbow/Push Coalition
Others TBA
5:00 p.m. Closing
posted by Zentronix @ 11:47 AM

Monday, February 03, 2003
A last piece today from the New York Times on how satellite radios are marketing themselves for their music, over the limited playlists of commercial radio...interesting stuff.
posted by Zentronix @ 3:30 PM

Davey D has put up a site called Hip Hop and Radio that gathers up a great batch of stuff on the fall of urban and Churban radio. Check it out .
posted by Zentronix @ 3:13 PM

Followup here on Clear Channel's voice-tracking jones. Here's a piece in today's New York Times about how Carson Daly's voice is manipulated, cut and paste together to do a "local" Top 10 countdown show that airs in 11 cities. Check it out here.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:51 AM

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