Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Bay Area heads: Two (literal) must-sees.
Not often do folks here in the insecure homeland get to see B+ and Eric Coleman, superphotographers and the mastermindz behind Keepintime, exhibit their work. But this week they have not just one, but TWO openings in the Yay.
June 30 at Milk around 9-ish is the opening for the Keepintime photo exhibition. All the info is here. I promise you mad hip-hop celebs in the house, including surprise DJ guests. Don't say you had to miss it.
July 1 at 7pm, the Punch Gallery opens "Unseen Works", which has already shown to huge crowds in Tokyo and LA. The opening includes a screening of Keepintime, and the exhibition includes a bunch of photos that I collab'od with B+ to do commentary for--images regarding Florida and the 2000 elections. Yup, some scary apocalyptic shit.
Both shows will be up through the month, but come on through the openings and holla.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:51 PM
Monday, June 28, 2004
Well, Fahrenheit 9/11 topped the box office charts this past weekend, beating out White Chicks (whiteface, whoa) and another dumb flick, immediately becoming the highest grossing doc of all time.
I saw it at the first showing in Berkeley on Friday and was damn glad I handled tix through Moviefone. Lines was all the way up the street to the campus all day. Fools started lining up before 10am.
That was Berkeley. But with these numbers, Michael Moore is now calling it "a red state movie". Rock on with ya bad self.
posted by Zentronix @ 12:26 PM
Friday, June 25, 2004
Here's my take on the National Hip-Hop Political Convention, up at Alternet. Email me if you want a copy of the extended remix.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:07 AM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
There was a gang of coverage of the Convention. But I just want to send props to the Hard Knock Radio crew from KPFA and Jessica Green, Chuck Creekmur and the BET.Com crew for the most thorough and real.
Check the BET.com coverage here and here and here . There are more pieces and also lots of live coverage in audio.
The Hard Knock crew recorded literally 14 shows worth of material, and held a roundtable with like 10 of us from Cali yesterday afternoon. Shows will be available here.
I'm writing a big ass wrap-up for Alternet and will post the link soon as it's done.
posted by Zentronix @ 9:34 AM
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Whoooooo. Back from Newark and tired as hell. Give me a week or two and a screening of Fahrenheit 9/11 before I'm back up to speed. To come: the National Hip-Hop Political Convention Agenda, and lots more.
In the meantime, for all you fiends, here's an almost complete list of the top 50 Hawaiian Music albums of all time, as determined by Honolulu Magazine.
The selection leans a little pre-70s, there's not enough kiho'alu (slack-key guitar) for my tastes, and there's no Sonny Chillingworth (actually maybe there is, I think these are just the titles distributed by Mountain Apple). But you can't go wrong with the Gabby, Peter Moon, Country Comfort, Rap Reiplinger, and Olomana stuff. Choice!
posted by Zentronix @ 8:25 AM
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
It's island weather in New Jersey so I feel like I'm right at home. Getting hott in here as folks start coming out for the National Hip Hop Political Convention. Here's another great piece on the Convention by the Bay Area's own Joshunda Sanders.
Also, next week come check out this roundtable panel on war, the elections, and the media with Farai Chideya, Pratap Chatterjee, Christopher Scheer, Linda Jue. Holla...
posted by Zentronix @ 10:23 AM
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Oh I can't let this go. Here's a perfect example of Democrats on crack. That's right, here's the Democratic "Leadership Council" on Ronald Reagan:
"Despite his fervent anti-communism and unshakable belief in the unique mission of the United States, he remained faithful to the Cold War bipartisan tradition in foreign policy, and never abandoned America's traditional alliances or the multilateral institutions created to advance them."
Uh yeah, except when it came to his support for the apartheid regime in South Africa, whom Reagan once said was actively desegregating at the same time the country was under a State of Emergency that allowed it to murder and jail thousands of black activists.
"Despite his longstanding championship of a conservative domestic agenda, he was willing to compromise and adjust his policies to reflect real-life conditions, as shown by his decision to sign a liberal abortion law as governor of California, and to support tax hikes both as governor and as president."
Uh yeah, except when it came to the tax cuts which bloated budget deficits to record highs and the steroided defense budget augmentations which further led to cuts in the social safety net that New Deal Democrats had championed.
"Despite his many years of service to the GOP, he never sought to demonize his political opponents, and never questioned their patriotism or sincerity."
Oh, that's right, forget about the L-word debates, or even his quiet campaign to rid the Screen Actors Guild of reds.
Moderates are so bad for my health.
posted by Zentronix @ 4:27 PM
Monday, June 07, 2004
GIFTIN' (updated 6/8+6/9)
Here's another preview of the book: it's a piece on Rock Steady Crew and the arcs of urban style that was published in Dublin a minute back. If yall are reading this out in Ireland, send me a copy of the mag or some plane tickets. Whatever's easier!
It's a good preface, too, for this piece in the Voice I've got on The Third Unheard and The Rough Guide to African Rap.
Ah, back to writing about music in public. It's a wonderful thing.
While you're over at the Voice, here's Ta-Nehisi Coates on the Hip-Hop Political Convention. Here's another piece on the Convention by Eric Arnold in the East Bay Express. Finally, a great piece from Yvonne Bynoe of Urban Think Tank Institute who will be speaking at the Convention.
Right now, I'm stepping back to prep for the Convention. Be gone for the next week or so. Please come to the Intergenerational Dialogue on Thursday, I'll be speaking on a panel on grassroots activism.
Peace yall and see you at the Convention.
posted by Zentronix @ 7:39 PM
Way sadder about Smarty Jones than about Reagan. Here's 66 more reasons why.
posted by Zentronix @ 10:57 AM
Friday, June 04, 2004
O'Dub's Pop Life takes on homophobia in the hip-hop blogosphere and gets brutalized by the "P.C." police. Hey come on yall, ignorance--especially faked ignorance--is not hip-hop.
posted by Zentronix @ 11:47 AM
My Eddie Kendricks People... Hold On album started inexplicably skipping on "Someday We'll Have A Better World". The lyric: "There'll be no war."
posted by Zentronix @ 11:44 AM
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Tom Hayden on the Honduran prison fire.
More links and things soon come. I'm just recovering from filing the final draft of the book, and getting ready for Newark.
posted by Zentronix @ 3:49 PM
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
What, me paranoid?
posted by Zentronix @ 10:22 AM
Why did I get so much joy out of this article on Princeton student Katherine L. Milkman doing the numbers on the editors of the New Yorker fiction section? And why did the blandness of the editors' comments on her research--which found male writers were chosen at 57-70%, and the story characters were overwhelmingly New York based--not surprise? Beats the hell out of me.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:28 AM
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