"Errol Thompson must have recorded many 1000's of albums and singles in the 70's. IMO he was the all time greatest recording engineer of reggae & one of the very best on the mix. Clear, open, FAT and well balanced..
He worked at the legendary Randys studio in the early 70's and then later at Joe Gibbs studio..
Anybody here who has heard some vintage reggae has heard his work - he worked with everybody.
The last I heard, from a reliable source who was there, ET was working in the supermarket owned by his former musical production partner Joe Gibbs. Thus, no longer in the music business.
This evening I received a phone call that is every mothers worst dream. My son Russell Jones passed away.
To the public he was known as Ol Dirty Bastard but to me he was known as Rusty. The kindest most generous soul on earth. I appreciate all of the support and prayers that I have received. Russell was more then a rapper he was a loving father, brother, uncle and most of all son.
With Love,
Cherry Jones
"We are deeply in your debt,'' Rumsfeld said during a Veterans Day ceremony honoring U.S. and Salvadoran soldiers. He held up El Salvador as "a nation that understands well the human struggle for liberty and democracy.''
Terror is the given of the place. Black-and-white police cars cruise in pairs, each with the barrel of a rifle extruding from an open window. Roadblocks materialize at random, soldiers fanning out from trucks and taking positions, fingers always on triggers, safeties clicking on and off. Aim is taken as if to pass the time. Every morning El Diario de Hoy and La Prensa Grafica carry cautionary stories. Una madre y sus dos hijos fueron asesinados con arma cortante (corvo) por ocho sujetos desconocidos el lunes en la noche": A mother and her two sons hacked to death in their beds by eight desconocidos, unknown men...
It is largely from these reports in the newspapers that the Unites States Embassy compiles its body counts, which are transmitted to Washington in a weekly siaptch referred to by embassy people as "the grim-gram." These counts are presented in a kind of tortured code that fails to obscure what is taken for granted in El Salvador, that government forces do most of the killing.
In a January 15, 1992 memo to Washington, for example, the embassy issued a "guarded" breakdown on its count of 6,909 "reported" political murders between September 16 1980 and September 15 1981. Of these 6,909, according to the memo, 922 were "believed committed by security forces", 952 "believed committed by leftist terrorists", 136 "believed committed by rightist terrorists", and 4,889 "committed by unknown assailants", the famous desconocidos favored by those San Salvador newspapers still publishing. (The figures actually do not add up to 6,909 but to 6,899, leaving ten in a kind of official limbo.) The memo continued:
"The uncertainty involved here can be seen in the fact that responsibility cannot be fixed in the majority of cases. We note, however, that it is generally believed in El Salvador that a large number of the unexplained killings are carried out by the security forces, officially or unofficially...
November 10. 2004
Back-Door Draft Lawsuit Against The Army And Intense Media Interest
Cause Army To Rescind Orders
Honolulu, Hawai'i--Today, Kauai, Hawai'i, resident and Gulf War veteran David M. Miyasato, who was called up by the Army 13 years after an honorable discharge, was released from his active duty orders by the Army. He had filed a lawsuit against the Army on November 5 in the United States District Court after receiving no response to his inquiries.
David expressed satisfaction with the revocation order. "Now I can move on with my life," he said. He said he will return to his small auto window-tinting business on the Island of Kauai. He is married and has a new infant child.
His attorney, Eric A. Seitz, said, "This is a rare victory, not just for David, but for the thousands of others who may be in his situation as well."
He added, "The back-door draft must be stopped. We don't know how many others may have been called up illegally or may now be serving even though they have done their time. Many may be suffering severe financial hardships, just as David has for the last two months in his state of uncertainty."
On the 5th, after being ignored by the Army for weeks, the Army responded within hours after Miyasato filed his suit, granting him an "administrative delay" for up to 30 days, and notifying Mr. Miyasato he would soon be receiving a "new report date". Today, Senator Daniel Inouye's office received a 2-line order stating that David's call-up order had been "rescinded or revoked".
Mr. Miyasato enlisted in the Army in 1987 for a term of eight years. His enlistment contract specified that he would serve on active duty for three years and then be enrolled in the inactive reserves for five additional years.
Mr. Miyasato reported for active duty on August 16, 1988. He served as a specialist E-4, driving a heavy equipment mobility tactical truck, delivering fuel, ammunition and other materials. He served in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during the Gulf War.
He was honorably discharged on August 15, 1991. He then returned to Kauai while he remained in the inactive reserves. His enlistment obligations expired on August 15, 1996.
Suddenly, in late September 2004, the Army issued orders directing Mr. Miyasato to report to a military facility in South Carolina on November 9, 2004, "for no more than 24 months active duty."
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