Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Minutemen Vs. Anti-Racists
This is from Aura Bogado of Free Speech Radio News:
"for anyone who doesn't know, one of the minutemen (euphemism for white supremacist) ran over 4 compañeros at a counter-protest last week: the man was eventually arrested but released a few hours later and will not be charged.
meanwhile, felony cases against demonstrators continue after someone threw a water bottle towards the cop's direction. one of them, kurt isobe, an 18-year-old activist, was held on $50,000 bail- which was finally released to $25,000. he was ordered not to attend any protests or demonstrations while awaiting felony trial- clearly violation of his first amendment "rights".
so what we've got is a white supremacist who runs over demonstrators and walks away scot-free, while some youth of color may serve years of hard time for holding signs and standing against fascism. only in orange county, right? right...
this shit is really unlikely to happen in los angeles, but only because there's a greater number of us coming out for years now. i was talking it up with a friend last night about orange county is just another border we need to transcend... i urge you to please show solidarity with these folks any way you can- either by spreading the word, showing up, raising money for the defense- get creative.
the people awaiting trial are you, they're me, they‚re not in méxico or south africa or guantanamo--they're on the other side of a man-made curtain that it's time to cross...
somos más,
posted by Zentronix @ 2:34 PM

Dan Charnas on Blacks and Jews
Inspired by the non-starter Foxman vs. Russell bout over Farrakhan, Dan Charnas finally unloads on Blacks and Jews:
"Frankly, who the hell are the Jewish leaders of today to demand anything of Black folks? In the last 30 years, has the Jewish community thrown its weight behind any issue of real meaning to Black people?"
Peep the parallels and differences to the convo below on Blacks, Asians and Latinos...
posted by Zentronix @ 12:16 PM

Mark Anthony Neal on Common
Check it here. Great writing. All I can add for now is that it's a great record, but I think Blackalicious' (coming in September) is better. Yes, I'm not kidding.
posted by Zentronix @ 12:00 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2005
The Latest in Mac Dre's Murder
From Ballerstatus.net and the SF Chronicle, a Kasas City rapper who was questioned in Mac Dre's murder was shot to death in Las Vegas.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:31 AM

A Long Bad Summer
Even the ever optimistic, die-hard Athletics fans like me are losing faith. But then again, it just gives us more reason to hate the Bosux.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:12 AM

Me and Lizz On The Source Petition
Check it out at Pop and Politics...
posted by Zentronix @ 7:43 AM

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Crowning The City of Quartz
Here's one development that downtown L.A, communities of color and graf writers at the Belmont Tunnel have been seeing coming for a long time now. (Thank you to Ben Higa and Dave Stovall for being my personal prophets.) Gentrification and a "new" urbanism continues, from Chicago to San Francisco to Brooklyn to Tacoma to L.A.
posted by Zentronix @ 7:57 AM

Monday, May 23, 2005
Catching Up
Just returned from a week in the Big Apple, trying to get my legs back under me today, and absorb everything that happened: curating two mind-blowing panels sponsored by the Ford Foundation, hanging with the divine Ms. Sanders and Ms. Patterson and the sleepless Mr. Lee, the incredible Peter Janssen and the Holtzbrinck Academic crew, and Josh and the fam at Picador; getting down to Doug E. Fresh, James Brown, First Choice's "Let No Man Put Asunder", and lots of Chaka Khan for Ms. Joan Morgan's bday (yes, we already been hit the oldies stage!); digging the amazing Basquiat exhibition; talking aesthetics with Eisa, B+, Joy, James, Martha, Danny, Mari, Teo, Sylvia, Vanessa, Christine, and the Future Aesthetics fam; soaking up the brilliance of folks like Mark Anthony Neal, Greg Tate, and Vijay Prashad; and working hard with the League of Young Voters Education Fund. So please give me a few days to catch up, OK?
In the meantime, here's a great blog entry by the great Ron Kavanaugh on what I was doing with a bunch of brilliant folks last week. Ron's blog is excellent reading, and the BXMA has certainly become one of my favorite places on earth. Well worth checking.
To dooz: Cop Mark Anthony Neal's new book. Mow the lawn. Relax!
posted by Zentronix @ 8:31 AM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Lefty Comedy...
Is often not funny. In fact, sometimes it's a piece of horse shit. Douglas Valentine in Counterpunch. (This one thanks to Thatcher Collins at KPFK.)
Meanwhile, can fools let Dave Chappelle alone?
posted by Zentronix @ 2:25 AM

Thursday, May 12, 2005
Are Asians and Latinos Just A Different Kind of White?
Tamara Nopper reviews George Yancey's sure-to-be-controversial new book. Much more on this to come...
UPDATE: Check comments below for more links and discussion.
posted by Zentronix @ 10:20 AM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hip-Hop Appreciation Week
Next week is Hip-Hop Appreciation Week. Check here for events jumping off around the country.
I'll be up in New York doing some Hip-Hop Aesthetics Panels. Check here for the public event in the Bronx.
For my money though, Chicago will be the hotspot next week. Herc, Bam, Theodore, Immortal Technique, not to mention the amazing local people: University of Hip-Hop, Kevin Coval, Cashus D, Casper, the list is just getting started. Peep the events, courtesy UAAM:
||Pre HHAW event||:
Kuumba Lynx presents
El Barrio Clocks, Our Beatz, N Rhymez: Phase III
an interdisciplinary arts production
Thursday, May 12 - 10am
Friday, May 13 - 10am and 7pm
Saturday, May 14 - 1pm and 6pm
Truman College
1145 W. Wilson
Novar Hall Theater, Rm. 3426
$12/$5 school matinees
Special Discount with HHAW flyer!
||SUNDAY MAY 15th, 2005||
Hip Hop Appreciation Week Kick Off
@ University of Hip Hop
6400 S. Kedzie
3pm - 7pm
||MONDAY May 16th, 2005||
Freedom Workshop
@ University of Hip Hop
6400 S. Kedzie
4:30pm - 7pm
Mental Graffiti
(open mic)
@ Funky Buddah Lounge
728 W. Grand
21+, $5
7:30pm doors, 8pm show
||TUESDAY May 17th, 2005||
Connect Force Breakin Session
@ Alternatives - 4730 N Sheridan
4pm - 7pm
Young Chicago Authors
Workshop and Open Mic
Workshop - 6pm, Open Mic - 7pm
featuring HIP HOP HONORS
31 E. Balbo
9pm SHARP, $5, 21+
featuring - Griot Baba Biko, 500 Nations,
Bad News Jones, Kevin Coval, and more
LIVE ART... OPEN FLOOR for B-Boys and B-Girls
||WEDNESDAY May 18th, 2005||
Soul Expansion Lounge
Youth Workshop w/ Sensei of Soul
@ New Approach Health Foods
641 E. 47th
4pm - 6pm
Soul Expansion Lounge
(Open Mic)
Hosted by Transend and Sensei of Soul
w/ Spoken
@ New Approach Health Foods
641 E. 47th
7pm - 10pm
The Chicago Drop
(Live Hip Hop Bands)
@ The Note
1565 N. Milwaukee
21+, $5
10pm - 4am
||THURSDAY MAY 19th, 2005||
Connect Force and Kuumba Lynx present
Elemental Workshops
@ Alternatives - 4730 N. Sheridan
4pm - 7pm
Youth Summit
Feat. Lord Cahsus D (Universal Zulu Nation),
and Casper (Chicago Graffiti Artist)
@ Jones College Prep HS
606 S. State St.
6pm - 8:30pm
Cypher Sessions
@ Borders (Hyde Park)
1539 E. 53rd
7:30pm - 10:30pm
Universal Zulu Nation presents
Cosmic Slop feat.
"Father of the Scratch"
@ Hot House - 31 E. Balbo
$15, 21+
10pm - 2am
||Friday May 20th, 2005||
Unsigned Coop Youth Program
Featuring Soul Selectas, Power 92
@7915 S. Exchange
4pm - 6pm
Conscious Music Summit
@ Betty Shabazz School
7823 S Ellis
7pm - 10pm
||Saturday, May 21st, 2005||
Sneaker Skills
Outdoor B-Boy Battle
@ Logan Square Eagle
(Blue Line stop @ Logan Square)
judged by audience reaction
12pm - 4pm
All City Writers Meeting
@ The Writers Bench
Logan Square Eagle
Conscious Music Summit
@ Betty Shabazz School
Featuring workshops
AND Meeting of the Minds
7823 S Ellis
1pm - 5pm: Workshops
5pm - 8pm: Meeting of the Minds
We will provide transportation for some who want to go from Sneaker Skills to the Conscious Music Summit
ONE LUV Productions
After Set @ Lava Lounge
859 N Damen
Feat. Intel, Genghis Won, Lar1, Maker
FREE, 21+, 10pm
||Sunday, May 22, 2005||
Magic Seven
7 Lessons, 7 Generations, 7 Continents
A Family Hip Hop Event
@ University of Chicago Reynold's Club
5700 S. University (SW Corner)
Workshops, performances, and more
Featuring: Snyergy, Brickheadz and more
2pm - 6pm
Conscious Music Summit
@ Betty Shabazz School
7823 S Ellis
Hip Hop Appreciation Week Wrap Up Jam
Immortal Technique
and special guest artists!
@ Subterranean - 2011 W. North Ave.
$15 and 21+
9pm - doors
(limited capacity)
Organized and/or Supported by:
Apollo Project, Hip Hop Congress, Urban Art in Action Movement, Fly Paper, Universal Zulu Nation, Temple of Hip Hop, University of Hip Hop, Synergy, Hip Hop Political Convention, Connect Force, Young Chicago Authors, Kuumba Lynx and the general Hip Hop CommUNITY of Chicago
posted by Zentronix @ 5:11 PM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The Huffington Post Is Up
Arianna's new experiment in lefty meta-blogging is up. I'm rooting for it. Alternatives are always good if they are alternatives.
But a BIG warning: it is white, white, white, white, white and male and well over 40-something.
I expected a lot more content than a retread of the tired old Farrakhan debate. In brief: Russell Simmons takes on the ADL's Abe Foxman over the Millions More Movement and somebody named Seth Greenland takes Foxman's side. It's all very 80s.
Arianna, please. Right now, the Post is just looking like the same old story.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:40 AM

Monday, May 09, 2005
Jay Smooth Talks To Kim Osorio
Mad late to the game on this, but some of you may not have yet peeped this. Once again, Jay Smooth is on the story.
posted by Zentronix @ 8:45 PM

Vlad's Volga

"But Mr. President, it is left only in Russia."
"Not while I'm behind the wheel. I'm turning yall right, and yall gon like it. Now who's your daddy? Say my name, Vladdy, say it!"
(This is yet another installation in our ongoing Whips and Dips series.)
posted by Zentronix @ 3:18 PM

Thursday, May 05, 2005
Hip-Hop Aesthetics
Just got back from Santa Barbara and Oxnard. A big shoutout to the fam at UCSB, especially Jonathan Kim at KCSB, Luniya Msuku at the MCC, DJ Soulspeak, Kofi, Jim, Professor Flacks, Elizabeth and Maricela. Much love, much appreciation.
Strength and power to the youths of South Oxnard, who are dealing with a lockdown by police and administrators at Channel Islands High this week, and to all those fighting the Oxnard gang injunction personally and collectively. (More info here.) Big shout to the folks at the KEYS program, and to Mr. Terrazas at CI High, but especially Michael Shuman and Tomas Hernandez. Can't stop won't stop.
Over the next few weeks, I'll be hosting discussions around hip-hop and aesthetics. Come check out the Hip-Hop Theater Festival, including an illuminating discussion on Hip-Hop in Theater and Performance on Saturday with Traci Bartlow, Javier Reyes, Marc Bamuthi Joseph, and Kamilah Forbes.
(Also, the same day...a Berkeley tradition: the ninth annual Hip-Hop In The Park, this year featuring the Procussions and The Frontline, whose new version of Who R U--entitled Now U Know--is out Tuesday!)
And on May 18, at the Bronx Museum, the topic will be Hip-Hop In Post-Millennial Visual Arts, and the moderator will be BXMA Senior Curator Lydia Yee.
Fall through!
posted by Zentronix @ 5:14 PM

Previous posts
Coming Soon!
Notes On The Eve Of Day One
Students Occupy The New School
Farai Chideya's News And Notes on NPR Has Been Can...
I Am Nixon
Shouldna Lef Ya...
2G2K Is Back! :: On Hillary, Again, And Foreign Po...
The Impact of The Hip-Hop Vote
UCLA Education In Action Keynote Speech
A Great Day In Baseball History
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